Editing Site Relaunched on Drupal 9

The central editing environment of the Encyclopedia has been thoroughly revamped and is now fully prepared for productive use.

The old Drupal 7 site is now deprecated and our editors have started to work on a much more modern platform based on Drupal 9. The data migration period was long and painfully meticulous, but we can be proud of the result. The content is now much better structured, cleaned of inconsistencies, and future-proof. Moreover, the editing interface is slicker and much more comfortable. And there's a powerful API in preparation!

The site runs at www.ewphp.org but it has no public access whatsoever. Our small, devoted editorial team is still closed, but we keep looking for new collaborators, so if you like to research and burn with desire to contribute to the project, don't hesitate to contact us!

The main public website is continuously published by the UIA at encyclopedia.uia.org.
